{"id":"329","Created":"2023-04-17 09:43:40","End":"2025-12-31","organizationId":"110","name":"Parent Support Group Facilitator","content":"We are looking for 2 Parent Support Group Facilitators. Our mission is to protect the safety and wellbeing of children and promote the health of all families by partnering with those in a parenting role and their communities to build support, advocacy, education, research, and resources.\r\n\r\nVolunteer Facilitators work with our Support Circles to connect with and support parents and kinship caregivers in building healthier families in person. Skills: \r\nHave good listening and communication skills. \r\nHave a basic understanding of child development. \r\nWant to support parents and other kinship caregivers. \r\nTraining online: Self-paced 15 hrs. (1 months to finish) and 3 Live Zoom sessions on May 25, 27, and June 1, 2023. Free for those who are able to commit one year of volunteering in the position.\r\nApply here: https:\/\/forms.office.com\/Pages\/ResponsePage.aspx?id=mbTFRRf2BEaQxK7YpNkEs3VK3aLUIsxArawjZ6tQti9UOTZFWlFZWUo1M001NDZRUFBDNUNDWFFWMyQlQCN0PWcu \r\n\r\n","description":"","url":"https:\/\/www.parentsupportbc.ca","mediaId":"287","contactId":null,"contact":null,"contactEmail":null,"isTraining":"1","recurrenceId":null,"Address":" ","City":"Kamloops","Province":" Canada","Country":"Canada","postalCode":"","Lat":"50.6745","Lng":"-120.327","status":"completed","minAge":"21","CRCRequired":"1","Deleted":"0","test":null,"positions":[{"id":"236","listingId":"329","name":"Parent Support Group Facilitator","created":"2023-04-17 09:46:53","description":"We are looking for 2 Parent Support Group Facilitators. Our mission is to protect the safety and wellbeing of children and promote the health of all families by partnering with those in a parenting role and their communities to build support, advocacy, education, research, and resources.\r\n\r\nVolunteer Facilitators work with our Support Circles to connect with and support parents and kinship caregivers in building healthier families in person. Skills: \r\nHave good listening and communication skills. \r\nHave a basic understanding of child development. \r\nWant to support parents and other kinship caregivers. \r\nTraining online: Self-paced 15 hrs. (1 months to finish) and 3 Live Zoom sessions on May 25, 27, and June 1, 2023. Free for those who are able to commit one year of volunteering in the position.\r\nApply here: https:\/\/forms.office.com\/Pages\/ResponsePage.aspx?id=mbTFRRf2BEaQxK7YpNkEs3VK3aLUIsxArawjZ6tQti9UOTZFWlFZWUo1M001NDZRUFBDNUNDWFFWMyQlQCN0PWcu \r\n\r\n","quantity":"2","positionsFilled":"0","categoryId":"11"}]}